Friday, December 27, 2019

Bigger Than Enron - 751 Words

Lobbing of commercial and political interests in the establishing of the standards is a fact, which leads to believe that there might be large groups of the financial information users, who are interested in the particular way of reporting. If it is beneficial to them and to the market without compromising any ethical issues related to the financial reporting, if the market gains from such interests, than the standards should be formed under such influence. The question is who is going to decide if there are benefits. I guess, this is the area where the real politic starts. At this level of decision making, I think there should be people free of any political or economic pressure. However, more often commercial and political interests do†¦show more content†¦In the Enron case, The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Congress conducted an investigation into Enrons collapse. The authorities re-examined the roles of corporate watchdogs, including corporate boards of di rectors, auditors, investment banks, credit rating agencies and lawyers. It could be that the watchdogs had too tight relations with the companys executives. That is why no one questioned the Enrons aggressive accounting strategies. To prevent such collapses, someone needs to look into the possible conflict of interest. The dilemma is that auditors should perform in the interests of the investors, but they are paid by the audited company, which makes it more difficult for them to exercise tough decisions. The auditors should not perform some particular consulting services for the firms that they audit. Another belief is that there should be more severe consequences for those committing financial crimes and causing fall of the companies. Accountants should always carry out the public responsibility, meaning they have a responsibility to ensure that the accounting functions are performed to the highest possible standards and the information which an organisation provides for its stakeholders is true and accurate. To reach the goal of improving the performance of accountants, there might be several steps to undertake. There should be on-going education to keep abreast with the existing and emergingShow MoreRelatedEnron Scandal1477 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Current issue: Scandals in auditing Enron Scandal 1. Introduction Accounting scandals are political or business scandals which arise with the disclosure of financial misdeeds by trusted executives of corporations or governments. These days, not too often, these scandals are splashed as headlines across media. Why? Because there are complex groups of stakeholders who might be seriously affected by the scandals. Enron scam was the most remarkable scandal in 20 centuries by their institutionalizedRead MoreWhy Enron Collapsed?1143 Words   |  5 PagesWhat are the reasons why Enron collapsed? * Investments Enron dealt in energy. According to Infinite Energy, the first and main cause of Enrons collapse was failed investments. Enron invested money in fiber-optic networks, a power plant in India and water distribution in the United Kingdom, to name a few. While a company the size of Enron could afford occasional losses, the mounting, failed investments added up and created a plethora of debt. * Hidden Losses Infinite Energy states thatRead MoreCorporate Culture Of Enron And Bankruptcy1327 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction The case study is about Enron and about their biggest failure that lead the company towards bankruptcy. Enron got bankrupt to the extent that was no point of returning back and reversing its wrong doings. 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Enron Corp bookkeepingRead MoreEnron Case1075 Words   |  5 PagesMINI CASE: THE FILURE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AT ENRON 1.Which parts of the corporate governance system, internal and external, do you believe failed Enron the most? In the evaluation of the Enron’s case; by trying to see the very big picture, it is not only about that the internal part of the corporate governance system was failed or but also the external part of the corporate governance system was also failed. As noted on the last paragraph of the mini case, many people from different positionsRead MoreEnron : A Model Of The Innovative Company1684 Words   |  7 PagesEnron Enron began in July 1985, and its headquarters were in Houston. It started from a small regional energy supplier. However, Enron was dissatisfied with the traditional way of doing business, so it began to look toward energy security. 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Moreover the water industry was a regulated utility and the possibility of a deregulationRead MoreEnron Smartest Guys On The Room1573 Words   |  7 PagesThe movie ENRON smartest guys in the room is about one of the biggest corporation corruptions in the United States. In 1985, ENRON Corporation, was a company that delivers pipeline for natural gas and electricity, while mergering with Houston Natural Gas and Internorth. ENRON quickly grew into a reputable company that generated enormous profits. In a short period of time ENRON was considered one of the top global trading company for natural gas, commodities, and electricity. 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While, postmodern white collar crime deals with more advanced technology such as computers, virtual communities, television/computer link-ups, and telephone communication. Overall, those who seek a career in criminology must navigate terminology

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Emerging Technologies and Architecture - 4011 Words

Running Head: Technologies and Architecture EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND ARCHITECTURE STUDENT NAME: PROJECT NAME: COURSE NUMBER: COURSE NAME DATE: OS Processor and Core 3 Hypotheses 3 The null hypothesis for this study / research is: 3 This is tested against the alternative hypothesis; 4 A summary of current operating system in use 4 Benefits of up grading an Operating system utilizing a multi-processor, multi-core configuration 4 Up grading the processor and core 5 Requirements supported for the upgrade processor and core 5 Conclusion 5 The null hypothesis 5 Scheduling Algorithms 5 First-Come, First-Served Scheduling 6 Benefits and Challenges Presented by FIFO 6 Round robin scheduling 7 Benefits and†¦show more content†¦Secondly, if need be you will have to upgrade the processor core VRMs. The third step is to upgrade the system BIOS and BMC firmware. The next step after up grading the BIOS and BMC firmware involves upgrading the operating system to add support for multi-core processors. Lastly, install the new processors. Requirements supported for the upgrade processor and core The requirements supported for the upgrade are one; compatibility test must clearly justify that the operating system supports the processor and core being up graded. Also, the hardware part must be in line to support the upgrade. Other components will also be upgraded to balance the process i.e. VRMs, BIOS and the BMC firmware. Conclusion The null hypothesis HO: As a result of the upgrading the multi- processor, multi-core Operating system, there will either be no significant difference in supporting distributed / virtual environment or there will be a significant increase. The null hypothesis is true. Scheduling Algorithms The environment I am currently using is a non-virtual environment. It is a laptop Compaq brand, 3.1GHz, 3 GB DDR and 300 GB HDD. It has one operating system installed i.e. Windows XP. The operating system is the single-processor and single-core Operating System. This operating system supports a single-core processor. The single-core processor has only one execution core i.e. itShow MoreRelatedFi-Wi Technology1692 Words   |  7 PagesFi-Wi TECHNOLOGY (Fiber Wireless Network Architecture) Gande Kiran Kumar, IT Department, MallaReddy Inst of Eng Tech(MRIET) , Maisammaguda, Secunderabad. 8099225308. ,Gajula Vijay Kumar , IT Department, MallaReddy Inst of Eng Tech(MRIET) Maisammaguda, Secunderabad 8125746522. Abstract— The ultimate goal of Fiber Wireless (FI-WI) networks is to convergence of various optical and wireless technologies under a single infrastructureRead MoreCloud Architecture Personal Statement Examples1095 Words   |  5 Pagesall architectures including but not limited to: cloud architecture, systems architecture, service-oriented architecture, application architecture, web-based solutions, data architecture and security architecture. I possess extensive experience and skill in developing and implementing mobile solutions, big data, business intelligence and e-commerce. I have the ability, knowledge and skill to understanding and implement future trends and the ability to drive innovation justifying technology investmentsRead MoreWork Experience Essay921 Words   |  4 Pagesother opportunities) AccuPrep Consulting - Remote, United States Positioning organizations to leverage market disruptions and maintain their competitive advantage by adopting a business-outcome-driven EA approach that strategically embraces emerging technologies. In consistently navigating successful engagements, demonstrated the following core competencies: †¢ Accountability – In clearly defining realistic expectations, taking appropriate actions to ensure goals are met or exceeded. †¢ AdaptabilityRead MoreModernism Movement : High And Low Modernism1277 Words   |  6 PagesIn this melting pot of diverse cultures, various forms of art and design had been constituted by the influences of the preceding movements, revolutions, eras and a variety of history events. Human technologies and industrializations are one of the key factors that pushed the society one step forward to every new milestone. However, how did the historic background and social circumstances provoke the artists and designers with inspirations of new ideas and philosophy towards art and design? How didRead MoreEssay On Emerging Technologies866 Words   |  4 Pages Emerging Technologies and Architectures The 3 emerging technologies that come to mind, and have a big potential of positively impacting the requirements of Vital Blue Company are Cloud Computing, Grid Computing, and Mobile Computing. The areas of probable impact as identified by the company are Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Data Warehousing, and Productivity Applications, which are applications for office use like Microsoft Office and Open Office. CloudRead MoreConcept Of Enterprise Architecture ( Ea )960 Words   |  4 PagesThis article shows you a review about the concept of enterprise architecture (EA), and its importance of being integrated within the modern organizations in order to improve and proper document the organizations’ process. Organizations function in an operational environment that is enough complex, governed and globalized, as well as the need to maintain high levels of competitiveness. In addition, companies must manage the complexity of its information systems; they should keep active updated systemsRead MoreComputer Architecture : The Terminal Server Architecture947 Words   |  4 PagesThe first famous business applications architecture that was used in the 1950s until 1990 was the terminal server architecture. Mainframe architecture: At the beginning of the application architecture world, we had mainframes that executed all the applications logic in a centralized manner and the mini computers as terminals that just displayed the applications screens to the users and captured user’s inputs. The main advantage of this architecture was that deployment was easy to perform. The mainRead MoreEnterprise Architecture, Questions and Answer 1754 Words   |  7 Pagesissues in the practice of Enterprise Architecture. Enterprise Architecture continues to grow and expand with the growth and widespread integration of enterprise systems. With this progress there are consistently new problems which arise regarding Enterprise Architecture and its applications. Three of the major current issues which are faced by majority of Enterprise Architects are that Architects have no control over organisational changes, Enterprise Architecture is enormously time consuming, andRead MoreBusiness Strategy Towards Global Education1234 Words   |  5 Pagesapproximately forty thousand employees with one-third located in emerging markets (SEC, 2015). The company officially shifted the corporate strategy towards global education and by streamlining technology in 2013 (Radjou Pradhu, 2013; Pearson, n.d.a). In 2012, Tim Bozik, the president of the higher education division, began consolidating duplicative groups within higher education ahead of the broader organization beginning its technology consolidation strategy; these assets were the result of multipleRead MoreWhat Is XML In Architecture Design : 3D Modeling1462 Words   |  6 PagesXML in Architecture Design: 3D Modeling Introduction Technology has brought immense transformation in architectural design. Traditionally, architectures have used the 2D drawings to design projects. Today, architectures have embraced the technological transformations by incorporating the software in coming up with architectural designs. 3D modeling has changed the manner in which building plans, diagrams, and drafts are designed and presented. Moreover, 3D modeling has provided architectures with the

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Renaissance Causes Effects Essay Example For Students

Renaissance Causes Effects Essay Renaissance Causes Effects The Renaissance or otherwise known as the Rebirth was the mark of a new era of a way of life. It had taken place from the 14th to 16th centuries (or from 1350 AD to 1 550 AD) and was a phase of changes which were more evident in culture and not a political event. The Renaissance had many causes from events occurring around Medieval Europe and in other parts of the world such as the Middle East and Asia. Some of those causes would be the Crusades, the Decline of Feudalism, the Rise of he Mongol Empire, and the Roles of Rulers, Nobles, Popes, and the Middle Class but the two most important causes are the Crusades and the Decline of Feudalism. During the Crusades, Crusaders brought in new thoughts and beliefs, which replaced the old thoughts and beliefs of other well known groups. They had also brought in new ideas and materials from other people in the Middle East such as scientific books of Aristotle, the Arabic numerals, mariners compass, and paper. These were all brought into Europe and helped the hold of Christianity which was the starting point of the Renaissance. When it came to the Renaissance flourishing, it was only able to flourish because of the decline of Feudalism. The decline of Feudalism was when the middle class started to show support to the king. This started the promotion of the Renaissance which had then started the decline. Although it had many causes the Renaissance had many effects to it as well. There were three types of effects; social effects, economic effects and political effects. Some social effects of the Renaissance were manners and etiquette, the development of literature and fine arts, and scientific inventions and discoveries. Economic effects were the development of trade and commerce and Colonialism. Lastly the political effects were the rise of strong monarchies and a change in warfare. All these effects of the Renaissance play their own part in their own category they were placed under.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Quasars Essays (1876 words) - Radio Astronomy, Physical Cosmology

Quasars Since their discovery, the nature of quasars has been one of the most intriguing and baffling problems as evidenced by the following quotations: the problem of understanding quasi-stellar objects? is one of the most important and fascinating tasks in all physics - G.Burbidge and Hoyle. The quasar continues to rank both as one of the most baffling objects in the universe and one most capable of inspiring heated argument - Morrison. The redshift problem is one of the most critical problems in astronomy today - G. Burbidge. Quasars still remain the profoundest mystery in the heavens - Hazard and Mitton. The conventional interpretation of the spectral lines observed in quasars is based on the redshift hypothesis. Three hypotheses have been advanced to account for the supposed redshifts: 1. Cosmological hypothesis; the redshifts are due to the expansion of the universe, 2. Gravitational hypothesis, 3 Local-Doppler hypothesis; in this hypothesis the redshifts are due to the Doppler effect, but the quasars are relatively nearby and have nothing to do with the expansion of the universe. Of these hypotheses, the first one is the most publicized one. One is led to attribute to quasars very many mysterious properties if one assumes the redshift hypothesis to be correct. A patient analysis of the data on quasars over the years has led to the conclusion that the real source of the trouble is in the assumption that the spectra of quasars have redshifts. In the early 1960's quasars were known as 'radio stars' because the method used to discover the first quasars was based on coincidences between a strong radio source and a point-like optical source. Since each radio source was associated with a star it was originally thought that quasars were objects within the galaxy hence the term 'radio stars'. Quasars or quasi-stellar radio source, from the method by which they where originally discovered: as stellar optical counterparts to small regions of strong radio emission. With increasing spatial resolution of radio telescopes the strong radio emission often seemed to come from a pair of lobes surrounding many of these faint star-like emission line objects. The initial method of selection was strong radio emission, and then later any object with blue or ultraviolet excess was considered a good quasar candidate. Very recent evidence from the near infrared portion of the spectrum indicates that a large fraction of quasars may in fact be brighter in the infrared than in other wavelength bands. Answering these basic questions may summarize much of the information regarding Quasar. What is the definition of a quasar? When radio telescopes were first turned on the heavens, point sources of radio waves were discovered (along with spread-out regions of emission along our Milky Way). Astronomers using ordinary visible-light telescopes turned toward these radio points and looked to see what was there. In some cases a supernova remnant was found, in others, a large star-birth region, in others a distant galaxy. But in some places where point sources of radio waves were found, no visible source other than a stellar-looking object was found (it looked like a point of a star). These objects were called the quasi-stellar radio sources or quasars for short. Later, it was found these sources could not be stars in our galaxy, but must be very far away as far as any of the distant galaxies seen. We now think these objects are the very bright centers of some distant galaxies, where some sort of energetic action is occurring, most probably due to the presence of a supermassive black hole at the center of that galaxy. (Supermassive - made up from a mass of about a billion solar masses.) What do quasars have to do with black holes? It is thought the infall of matter into the Supermassive black hole can result in very hot regions where huge energies are released, powering the quasar. How big are quasars compared to galaxies? Well, the region of intense visible emission is quite small compared to the rest of the galaxy that it is imbedded in. The visible emission only occurs very near the center of the galaxy. On the other hand, huge regions of radio emission, produced by the quasar, can stretch out to large distances outside the

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

SENCO duties away from the classroom Essay Example

SENCO duties away from the classroom Essay Example SENCO duties away from the classroom Essay SENCO duties away from the classroom Essay During my ESE the class was covered by a supply teacher every Friday morning allowing the class teacher time to carry out her SENCO duties away from the classroom. I observed that each time the children were taught by the supply teacher they behaved extremely badly and did very little work. Even children that were normally quiet in class saw this time as an opportunity to become boisterous. The teaching style of the replacement teacher differed greatly from the class teacher. The supply teacher was softly spoken, gentle when giving instructions, and did not carry out punishment threats; for example taking time away from the children’s play time for bad behaviour. I noted that although the usual class teacher might be viewed by some as strict and authorative, this was in fact what the children craved and they did not work as well when this structure was removed. Pollard and Tann (1993) observed, when asked about their ‘best’ teachers, a majority of junior age pupils chose fairness and consistency as the chief qualities. (p.164) An effective teacher will have numerous strategies for controlling the children’s behaviour, however for these to work it is important for the teacher to know each child individually. Some children respond well to hand signals, or facial expressions. Some will not understand these subtleties and will need verbal reminders. By understanding each child, an effective teacher will control behaviour more effectively. I witnessed an example of this during my time in school. The teacher asked 5 of the most disruptive children to draw a picture on a small card of something that represented good behaviour to them. She then laminated the cards and the 5 held them at carpet time and had them on the table during work sessions. When the behaviour of any of these children became unacceptable, the class teacher would say; ‘look at your card’. For two of the children this simple idea worked extremely well and their behaviour improved dramatically. The other three folded, chewed and lost their cards and were not interested in what the significance was. Some methods that work for visual learners may not be as successful with kinaesthetic ones. A good teacher will understand the differences. It is extremely important that the teacher uses all knowledge they have about a child effectively and to the child’s benefit. An effective teacher will be aware of the child’s cultural and religious background and will pay particular attention to any specific needs. This is also the case for children with special educational needs. By being interested and informed, the effective teacher will successfully manage the class to it’s maximum learning potential. In my recent ESE I experienced such a case; Wiktoria is a Polish girl who had very little speaking English and naturally struggled with class work. I noticed that she was not labelled as ‘low ability’ simply because she did not understand the language. She was given support from the TA and oftencame up with correct answers before the english speaking children. She was extremely able and just needed extra assistance as she leant the language. In some schools she may have been automatically placed at the lower end of the abilty range; however this was not what was required and the class teacher had realised this and acted accordingly. Of course it is understandable that in a class of thirty children, issues such as these will occasionally be missed. But if left, children such as Wiktoria could become frustrated at their inabilty to understand and follow the other children, resulting in behavioural problems. The class teacher informed me that Wikoria had been transferred from another local school where she had been considered ‘a problem’. During my three week placemnent, I saw no sign of any behavioural issues with Wiktoria, mainly because she was handled extremely effectively by the class teacher. It is important that children are viewed as individuals with different needs and not left unmotivated as this can result in bad behaviour. An effective teacher will encourage discussion and contribution and ban the children from mocking or laughing at incorrect answers. An effective classroom is one where pupils learn, and all staff help them to do so without spending too much of their time managing problem or difficult behaviour. The Elton Report on Behaviour Management, comissioned in 1989 states; Everybody involved in the planning, delivery and evaluation of the curriculum should recognise that the quality of teaching and learning has a significant impact on pupils behaviour. An effective teacher is one with a variety of teaching skills and a flexibility to implement them whenever they are required. By creating a positive and stableclassroom environment with rules and boundaries, the children will be able to express themselves and work to the best of their abilty. It is essential that children feel respected and included and a good teacher will realise the importance of high self esteem among his/her class. I have studied a wide range of skills that I feel make up an effective teacher, three of which I have discussed during this essay. I am aware that in order to develop my strength in these areas I will need to practice and apply the skills within a school environment and I am looking forward to doing this later in the year. The successful combination of personal attributes and practical knowledge that combine to make a successful teacher is a mix that I hope to achieve through hard work and keen observation.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

ITM501 SLP 1

ITM501 SLP 1 A web browser is a piece of software that requests, decodes and then presents the files that constitute internet pages. â€Å"Without doubt Microsofts Internet Explorer and Mozillas Firefox are by far the frequently used browsers, but there are most certainly at least 50 to 70 others that are readily available for public use, and nearly all of them have their loyal followers and supporters† (Ackoff, 1989, p. 3).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on ITM501 SLP 1 specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the other hand, two other main players in the web browser business are Googles Chrome and Opera, which have superseded many versions. Different browsers give the impression to have diverse degrees of utility reliant on the materials to be gained access to and the use to be made of the material by the recipient. The progressive growth of the internet in the 1990s and 2000s shows that present browsers with small market stock s have increased their market share as compared to previous times. For example, 90% market segment in 1997 represented approximately 60 million users, but by the end the 2007 fiscal year, 9% market segment represented over 90 million users. (Bellinger, Durval Mills, 2009, p.1) Microsoft’s Internet Explorer has gone through evolution since 1995 when it first appeared for use up to date. Mozilla which appeared in market much later as compared to Internet Explorer in 1998 also has evolved albeit at a faster rate. Apart from the two that are widely used, there is Opera and Phoenix which developed later, but their progress has not been so fast. Different web browsers are compatible to different operating system which in some way affects the processing speed of browsers. There are settings that can make different browsers (especially earlier versions) to be compatible with different Operating Systems (Ackoff, 1989). Mozilla’s Firefox and Microsoft’s Internet Explorer are more compatible with many both earlier and later versions of the Operating System while on the other hand Opera and Phoenix are not compatible with earlier versions since they do not have in-built settings of compatibility (Blair, 2011). Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox are the browsers that I often use. They are easy to access and their speed is relatively high. The news sites that I visit most are and since I like remaining updated with world events taking place in the news. These are news sites which have clear pictures.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Using the above browsers is easy since they do not need authority to get access the sites (Prince, 2008). Microsoft’s Internet Explorer which is inbuilt in new laptops and computers further makes it affordable to more people since no expenses are incurred of buying it (Ackoff, 1989). Internet Explorer and Mozilla they are user-friendly because they have dialogue boxes which appear on the screen during browsing. Such dialogue boxes help one to avoid suspicious sites and viruses. They offer different internet suggestions which would be helpful to the user depending on the sites that are commonly accessed by the user. Moreover, browsing is much faster and direct as opposed to Opera and Phoenix which are relatively harder to use while browsing (Bellinger, Durval Mills, 2009). With recent development of mobile internet, it is of concern that there could be web browsers that are compatible with mobile settings. However, research (Blair, 2011) shows that results are unknown when these web browsers can be installed in mobile phones for full time use. The explanation for this is that some the software required is bulky in size (in terms of their storage requirement in Mega Bundles (MB)) which may exceed most phone memories. As a response to this challen ge, Opera has developed its browser to be able to fit most mobile phone settings which is called Opera mini which makes phone browsing fast and reliable (Gadomski, 1999). â€Å"Browsing features like Bookmark, Download and Password Management as well as Spell checking, Search engine, toolbar, and Per-site security configuration have been used to make browsing easier and friendlier† (Gadomski, 1999, p.48). All these features are accessible when one is using Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox but Opera and Phoenix have limited access to such features. As technology continues to develop more and more so is web browsing development, and the corollary of these developments is that there has been an increase in features, utilities and tools that are user friendly and more affordable for users.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on ITM501 SLP 1 specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Ackoff, R.L. (1989). From data to wisdom. Journal of Applies Systems Analysis, 16(2), 3-9. Bellinger, G.H., Durval, C.K., Mills, A.J. (2009). Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom. Retrieved from Blair, A.H. (2011). Information Overload, Then and Now. The Chronicle Review. Retrieved from Gadomski, A.M. (1999). Information, Preferences and Knowledge: An Interesting Evolution in Thought. Yeppoon, Qld: Capricorn Press. Prince, B.Y. (2008). Test Finds Google Chrome, Apple Safari Weakest in Browser Password Management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Diegesis and the Artifice of Storytelling in Forrest Gump and Essay

Diegesis and the Artifice of Storytelling in Forrest Gump and Hairspray - Essay Example One of the original forms of this shift towards breaking this artifice of the screen, where audiences are aware of the work of art as existing in the form of artifice was the addition of sound to movies in the 1930s. Trying to draw the audience in to the world of the movie is not always beneficial, however. There are times when as a film maker one wants the audience to be aware of the story as a story – and non diegetic sound is a way to accomplish this. In Hairspray, the filmmakers went to extraordinary lengths to make much of the sound in the movie diegetic, trying to deflect the audiences attention from the artifice of spontaneous song and dance, while the film Forest Gump goes the opposite direction, using non-diegetic sound to draw the viewer’s attention to the artifice of the story, such as having a teller with biases and skewed perceptions. Musicals can sometimes struggle significantly with the transition into song and dance. It can sometimes simply be incredibly jarring for people to switch from normal dialogue – which we see every day in the world around us, to excellently choreographed dance accompanied by song that is so well performed that it clearly comes from a professional. Some musicals embrace this moment of awkwardness, using winks and nods at the audience to make emphasize and make light of the awkwardness of the transition; Hairspray, however, by making many of the songs diegetic, goes the opposite direction and tries to make the song and dance seem natural rather than out of place. This practice pervades the movie, starting with one of the opening scenes: the first song occurs on â€Å"the Corny Collins Show† a professional musical television event. Obviously in that case, singing and dancing makes perfect sense – as it does when the girls sing along at home. A viewer can even stretch their imagination to believing that, inspired by this show, a talented girl could begin singing about her life. This patter n continues throughout the film, first with song inserted into detention by students who are bored, then later by setting dance numbers in a record store, or again on a television set several times. Throughout this entire film, the directors made every effort to make all of the music diegetic. This process breaks down the divide between the viewer and the action occurring on screen. It makes it easier for viewers to suspend disbelief, as the ‘physics’ in the world on screen correspond to the ‘physics’ in the world around us – sometimes there is music, and that music has a known source, one can identify it, and sometimes people sing and dance do it. All of this breaks down the artifice of the story and tries to blur the lines between the world of the screen and the world around the viewer. While Hairspray makes frequent use of diegetic sound in order to break down the artifice of storytelling and creates many reasons for the song and dance that occurs , Forrest Gump goes in the complete opposite direction, using the narration – (mostly) nondiegetic sound – as a driving force of the plot and thus emphasizing the artifice of storytelling inherent to film (there are a few occurrences where the narration is diegetic in that

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A history of the US civil rights movement Essay

A history of the US civil rights movement - Essay Example still contended with discriminatory tendencies, disenfranchisement, segregation and different kinds of oppression such as violence that is racially propelled. Moreover, laws at the state and local levels such as the Jim Crow laws, effectively prohibited African Americans from theatres, train cars, juries, legislatures, bathrooms and classrooms (Jackson, 15). However, in 1954, the Supreme Court abolished the â€Å"separate but equal doctrine† that was the force behind a state condoned segregation and discrimination. This act of the U.S. Supreme Court attracted considerable attention to the suffering of black Americans in the United States and set a platform for a civil rights movement (1954 - 1968) aimed at bringing change to the land of the free peoples. The activists utilized various tactics in marching towards their objectives. Some of these included direct action, boycotts, civil disobedience, civil resistance, voter registration, community education and other nonviolent avenues. The results of the civil rights movement eventually included the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the 1965 Voting Rights Act and the 1968 Fair Housing Act. These acts resulted in crisis circumstances that often prompted useful dialogue between the government and the civil rights activists. The government (whether local, state or federal), communities and busine sses were manipulated into urgent reactions to the various circumstances that demonstrated injustice faced by the black Americans (Levy, 312). The African-American civil rights movement has a special place in the United States’ history. Because of the movements, there was realized a clear definition of the conceptions that prevailed regarding the nature of civil rights, the role of the government and importantly secured for the black Americans their citizenship rights (Jackson, 12). An important consequence of the movement was the amendment of the constitution that saw to the abolition of slavery in all its forms, and the legislation

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Computerized Scheduling System Essay Example for Free

Computerized Scheduling System Essay A computerized reservations and scheduling system is provided which alternately allows transportation consumers to select from pre-scheduled transportation services provided by transportation providers or to negotiate and contract with transportation providers who have available unscheduled transportation space. The system comprises a central computerized data base. Transportation providers and consumers alike access the computer via a plurality of terminal units. The central computerized data base comprises a maybe file for storing information regarding available unscheduled transportation space which may be offered by a provider for service if a suitable consumer demand exists and for storing information regarding unscheduled transportation space which is needed by consumers. The maybe file facilitates negotiating and contracting between the parties. Scheduling is the process of deciding how to commit resources between a variety of possible tasks. Time can be specified (scheduling a flight to leave at 8:00) or floating as part of a sequence of events. The word may also refer to: * I/O scheduling, the order in which I/O requests are submitted to a block device in Computer Operating Systems * Scheduling (broadcasting), the minute planning of the content of a radio or television broadcast channel * Scheduling algorithm * Scheduling (computing), the way various processes are assigned in multitasking and multiprocessing operating system design * Scheduling (production processes), the planning of the production or the operation * Schedule (workplace), ensuring that an organization has sufficient staffing levels at all times * Job scheduler, an enterprise software application in charge of unattended background executions. * Job Shop Scheduling, an optimization problem in computer science. Scheduling is a key concept in computer multitasking, multiprocessing operating system and real-time operating system designs. Scheduling refers to the way processes are assigned to run on the available CPUs, since there are typically many more processes running than there are available CPUs. This assignment is carried out by softwares known as a scheduler and dispatcher. The scheduler is concerned mainly with: * Throughput number of processes that complete their execution per time unit. * Latency, specifically: * Turnaround total time between submission of a process and its completion. * Response time amount of time it takes from when a request was submitted until the first response is produced. * Fairness Equal CPU time to each process (or more generally appropriate times according to each process priority).

Friday, November 15, 2019

Macbeth Descent into Madness in Shakespeares Macbeth Essay -- essays

Macbeth’s Descent Into Madness In Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, the character Macbeth descends into madness. Macbeth’s descent into madness first started with the witch’s prediction. If he had never met the witches none of this trouble would have occurred. Macbeth is seen as a â€Å"valiant cousin, worthy gentleman† (I, ii, 24). He is a brave warrior who is well respected in his community, until the witches prophesied to him that he would one day be king (I, iii, 50). Macbeth interprets that he must act to fulfill the prophecy. He sends a letter to lady Macbeth asking what to do. She suggests that he should kill Duncan. Macbeth follows the plan and kills Duncan (II, ii, 15). Directly following the murder Macbeth can no longer say amen (II, iii, 31-33). Macbeth also hears a voice in his head say, â€Å"sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep†(II, ii, 35, 36). For the rest of the play Macbeth suffers from insomnia. When Macbeth pretends to be surprised by Duncan’s death he says, â€Å" Had I but died an hour before this chance, I had lived a blessed time, for, from this instant, there’s nothing serious in mortality. (II, iii, 92-95) he is saying that if he had died before he murdered Duncan he would have li ved a great life, but now that he’s committed murder, life is just a game and nothing is important anymore. These are suicidal thoughts and show how his grip on reality has greatly slipped. Macbeth shows signs of serious mental deterioration when he sees a dagger appear before him, but doesn’t understand if it’s real or not (II, i, 35-40), later on in his speech he says his other senses made his eyes look foolish or they are the only trustworthy senses (II, I, 44-46) Macbeth shows more signs of descent when he says Duncan is luc... ...herself, Seyton delivers the news to Macbeth. Macbeth is very calm when he hears the news and doesn’t seem to mind. Macbeth says that she would have died sooner or later (V, v, 17-23) After Macbeth hears that Birnam wood is moving towards him, he wants to go out fighting. He attacks and kills Young Siward in a desperate attempt to save him from the fate the witches predicted (V, vii, 11-12). He also orders all his soldiers to attack the wood (macduff’s soldiers, V, vii, 46-53) and he fights Macduff but Macduff says he was born by a c-section and not by a woman (V, vii, 41-45) Macbeth fights to the death but is beheaded by Macduff as the witches said he would. (V, vii, 82-83) In conclusion, through my quotations and explanations I have shown Macbeth’s descent into madness. It was his guilt and ambition overall that sent him in a downward spiral into madness. Macbeth Descent into Madness in Shakespeare's Macbeth Essay -- essays Macbeth’s Descent Into Madness In Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, the character Macbeth descends into madness. Macbeth’s descent into madness first started with the witch’s prediction. If he had never met the witches none of this trouble would have occurred. Macbeth is seen as a â€Å"valiant cousin, worthy gentleman† (I, ii, 24). He is a brave warrior who is well respected in his community, until the witches prophesied to him that he would one day be king (I, iii, 50). Macbeth interprets that he must act to fulfill the prophecy. He sends a letter to lady Macbeth asking what to do. She suggests that he should kill Duncan. Macbeth follows the plan and kills Duncan (II, ii, 15). Directly following the murder Macbeth can no longer say amen (II, iii, 31-33). Macbeth also hears a voice in his head say, â€Å"sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep†(II, ii, 35, 36). For the rest of the play Macbeth suffers from insomnia. When Macbeth pretends to be surprised by Duncan’s death he says, â€Å" Had I but died an hour before this chance, I had lived a blessed time, for, from this instant, there’s nothing serious in mortality. (II, iii, 92-95) he is saying that if he had died before he murdered Duncan he would have li ved a great life, but now that he’s committed murder, life is just a game and nothing is important anymore. These are suicidal thoughts and show how his grip on reality has greatly slipped. Macbeth shows signs of serious mental deterioration when he sees a dagger appear before him, but doesn’t understand if it’s real or not (II, i, 35-40), later on in his speech he says his other senses made his eyes look foolish or they are the only trustworthy senses (II, I, 44-46) Macbeth shows more signs of descent when he says Duncan is luc... ...herself, Seyton delivers the news to Macbeth. Macbeth is very calm when he hears the news and doesn’t seem to mind. Macbeth says that she would have died sooner or later (V, v, 17-23) After Macbeth hears that Birnam wood is moving towards him, he wants to go out fighting. He attacks and kills Young Siward in a desperate attempt to save him from the fate the witches predicted (V, vii, 11-12). He also orders all his soldiers to attack the wood (macduff’s soldiers, V, vii, 46-53) and he fights Macduff but Macduff says he was born by a c-section and not by a woman (V, vii, 41-45) Macbeth fights to the death but is beheaded by Macduff as the witches said he would. (V, vii, 82-83) In conclusion, through my quotations and explanations I have shown Macbeth’s descent into madness. It was his guilt and ambition overall that sent him in a downward spiral into madness.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Consent forms

Although many people may think that signing a consent form is crazy, but there are many different think that people may hear about signing consent forms such as; you have to pay for the form, there are a lot of questions on the form, and they are not real at all. The real question we should all ask ourselves is that.Should informed consent be limited in certain situation? I'm about to give you some good reasons why we should sign consent forms at the doctor's office and the hospital. For example, while reading he book about Henrietta Lacks gave me a different outlook on what really goes on in the doctor's office and the hospital, and we all need to watch out and read everything that we get from the hospital and doctors.Now if Henrietta got consent form she would have read that paper before she signed it and then the doctor's would have never took her cells Just to run some test on them without her knowing, and that is where the consent form comes in at. As though many of us do not re ad everything that is on that form and the entire only thing that we do see on the paper is ignature and date, but we really need to read the whole thing before we go and sign a form and we have no idea what they will do without cells Just like Henrietta.One of the quotas that stand out to me in â€Å"Transparency: informed consent in primary care (Hoard Brody)†, and I feel that this quote was a good one because it gets right to the point about signing consent forms: Physicians may also view informed consent as an empty charade, since they are confident in their abilities to manipulate consent by how they discuss or divulge information (Brody par 4). While reading this quote had e thinking about a lot of thing that we may not know about these consent forms because our doctors do not really tells us about them, yet the only thing they do is give it to us so that we can read it and sign the paper.However many of us may have a lot of questions that about signing a consent form a t the doctor's office and we may not think that it is very important to sign and most of us do not want to sign that paper and they doctors may do something to you cells, and you did not sign that paper the only person that you can be upset with is yourself because you did not ead that consent form all of the way, but the one that you was ready to do is not sign that paper and Just walk out the doctor's office.Another quote that I thought that Howard Brody wrote about in his article was: Some positive side-effects of this might be more focus on good diagnostic and therapeutic decision making on the physician's part, since it will be understood that the patient will be made aware of what the physician's reasoning process has been like, and better documentation of management decisions in the patient record (Brody middle of par 18). The speed of edical research together with drug companies race to create products has overtaken the system designed to keep people safe (Robert Davis par 2 ).While reading this quote from â€Å"U. S. : Human Medical Test Lack Oversight (Robert Davis)†, I feel that we should get a better understanding of the medical, and consent forms because if we don't read and understand something then we will signing something tor someone to take without us knowing. In conclusion many people may not understand why we should sign a consent form Just in the case something may happen to us while we are at the doctor's office or in the hospital.While reading these articles and the Henrietta Lacks book made me realize that signing a consent form is important because you do not give the doctors the rights to take anything from you that they did not ask for, but back in the day they could Just take anything that didn't belong to them; however, now you have to ask that patience if you can, but most of the time they will say no.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Program Summary Essay

The process of a program’s development is to acknowledge what exactly the program is, and what mission they set forth to achieve. Regarding the Far West Elementary School’s organization mission where they work as a team filled with parents, and staff who are dedicated to creating a caring, exciting environment that promotes responsibility, self esteem, and academic achievement where differences are valued and learning is a lifelong goal. Although the mission promotes responsibility the school lacks in English proficiency. This program curriculum is undeveloped because the staff is lacking the qualifications; they are teaching the children using non certified or non licensed skills. The material needs to be upgraded via the English curricula. In order for the limited English proficiency (LEP) skills to grow the qualifications of the staff must be qualified. Within this program it will provide thoroughness, communication, and financial management. These elements are needed because it will build the morale of the program, the current staff and students skills, and the community of the low cost area of Far West Elementary School. Assessments: Assessments will be to analyze the programs purpose and its empowerment. According to, Gutierrez (1994) defines empowerment as the â€Å"process of increasing personal, interpersonal, or political power so that individuals, families, and communities can take action to improve their situations†. I chose this quote because I felt it works well with the school and how one can increase their skills when it comes to defining the process and determining the goal. The assessments determine if the faculty member is qualified to teach in a professional manner? The assessments will be constructed by licensed bilingual counselors who document the knowledge, skills, and beliefs of the staff; it will focus on the case studies, the learning styles, and experimental work (Wikipedia, 2009) of students as well. Once the staff members are increasing their English proficiency skills the students will then become more advanced. This will serve as the process used for the staff being a positive outcome. The process will prove that the development of the plan was evaluated; it will identify the measure used to develop the plan, which were the workshop sessions. The data collected will be the presented through the students and their English skills increasing. The reporting and results will follow by the many programs that will be offered, by the families of the students skills improving, and the preparation of enrolling new students and staff within the school. The thoroughness the program will reflect will show how eager it is increasing the English skill in the community. It will drain all energy taken with the counselors using with their senior skills, in making sure all aspects of the program’s session are passed. This will include the performance of the community, the faculty, and the productiveness of the students. The measures the program assessments will take will be resourceful in present and future lives of the students. They will be constructed to abide by the mission of the school. Needs and Problem Statement: The programs needs and problem assessments would be to evaluate the staff and improve their proficiently in teaching the English language. Specific needs of the program to be focused on are alternative certification program, special support for teachers, and improving the skills for higher education. The influences and expectations play in a role in administrator’s role of the agency because the significance of it is to connect with their staff and oversea that duties of the agency are being done. According, to Far West Elementary School administrators their needs are to make sure that the (LEP) skills are increased by making sure the staff are taking advantage of all the training programs offered by the counselors and funders. Administrators are to make sure the pressure is on in understanding the fact that achieving the (LEP) skill betters the elementary school, the staff guiding and forcing the direction. The problem occurs when there aren’t any funds being allocated for the program. Program Planning: Grant funding will be set through the proposal planning for the program. The program will propose the government with its attribute and prove the program should is qualified enough for their funds. By, introducing yourself and introducing the program that you want funded, it will benefit the people of the community. The function of the grant proposal is to allow you to communicate and present your proposal of the plan or program is looking for funding. The purpose of the proposal is to gain funds for a program that will better someone or families. The purpose is to present your program before it is even considered a program. Grant proposals relates to a program plan by proposing ideas, suggesting programs or simply bringing new ideas to the table that need to be approved and funded. They both take in considerations to help others and address problems within a community. Communication is the element the program will be best at and portray. The relevance of communication in the program is top high because it’s used to connect the staff, students and their families and show what’s most important each other. Talking and expressing their needs of why increasing the limited English proficiency skill is the number one key within this program. Alternate funding: Alternate funding will be the bonding aspect within the program. It will include Ideas of nontraditional funding which includes activities that involve the community more than the government. The program is locating funding through fundraising like raffling off tickets for prizes; therefore more people will participate knowing they can win a prize. Another alternate funding strategy would be selling dinners in the community for reasonable prices; the program staff will present talent shows for the community which they will participate in as well. Activities will be listed as, special events like face painting and relay racing would bring more funds to the program. Another idea would be client donations where the staff will donate to the program, whether it’s volunteering or giving a money donation. A funding institution that works with human service organizations is Administration for Children & Families (AFC). Its mission along with Health and Human Services (HHS) is responsible for federal programs that promote the economic and social well being of families, children, individuals, and communities, (AFC, 2011). The expectations for evaluating this funding institution are campaigning to rescue and restore families, family and youth services, administration development, child care bureau and many other programs they set to fulfill through their expectations of the ommunity. These expectations influence the evaluation plan and programs by staying true to their mission and achieving their goals. Implementation: The implementation of the program will be tedious, long and drawn out however it’s all for a good cause. During the process and outcomes stage, the process will evaluate the documented and monitored interventions taken for the staff and describe the importance of the program. The data will acknowledge and understand why the skills need to be improved. It will prove why it acceptable in the targeted community. The implementation that will be put forth and fulfilled will show through the structure of the program. Also the stakeholders are the people who invest in the program to develop the skills therefore they are implementing the program as well. Once the proposal was presented to them their share and interest in the program wasn’t just want they invested in the agency but an actual investment. With having a better understanding of the mission of the agency and what the team, parents and staff are dedicated in achieving the stakeholders know for a fact that the group they are investing in has significant obligations they wish to fulfill. Evaluation: The evaluation of the program will be based on the community of Far West, a suburb of New Hampshire Far West community that holds a population of 30,000 where the elementary school holds 700 with 30% of the students who have relocated from a foreign country. Being that the students are from an Asian decent background they have limited experience in English writing, reading and speaking skills. The evaluation of the program opportunity is to improve the limited English proficiency (LEP) skills for teachers, students, and their families. It will evaluate what it negative in the program that needs fixing, it will allow the individual to see the reality of how building a program can really determine whether the program is qualified or not. Conducting assessments will provide the program with information of services at that are needed or services that are not, therefore funds will be saved in the program. Judging whether or not the staff is qualified will also demonstrate evaluations for further training. The evaluation of the program will cover needs being addresses, staff nderstanding and building a rapport with the students and staff and always and follow the mission and value statements of the agency. The evaluation will make sure projects being funded properly, all and outcomes of the programs strengthens the organization. During the empowerment evaluation process it will acknowledge who exactly needs their skills to be improved. Counselors will overlook classroom settings and become involved with the students, and allow them to give me their reasons on why wanting to improve their LEP skills. Staff and students participate with each other in improving the (LEP) skill. It will offer workshops with professional leaders who will oversee activities in upgrading certificates to licenses; therefore the teachers are developing the programs for the students and promoting a professional outlook of the programs. The importance of this program is to improve the skills of limited English proficiency, in the Far West Elementary School located in a low income housing community. This program was chosen for this location because of the presence of families with foreign backgrounds. The program focuses on improving the skill for parents as well, being they involved in the community as well. Overall the importance of the program summary is to provide thoroughness, communication and build the morale of the program; the current staff, students and parents to work together and achieve its mission to better the skills within the school, and the community of the low cost area of Far West Elementary.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Essay about Marijuana Legalization

Essay about Marijuana Legalization Essay about Marijuana Legalization Should Marijuana Be Legalized Should Marijuana Be Legalized There are many pros and cons concerning the argument of the legalization of Marijuana. By far, the two biggest pro arguments are the medical benefits along with the tax revenue that legalization could bring. As for the cons, one can argue about the potential increase in crime and the potential spike in dependency issues with other drugs. Other concerns are the potential for marijuana being a gateway drug or perhaps the illegal sale by some of the very people in which legalization, medical or recreational, is geared towards. On the other side, byproducts of marijuana have the potential use as paper or even clothing. As one can see, one can go on and on with positive and negative thoughts or feelings about this topic. Several facts remain. The use of marijuana has increased over the last decade. According to research by Pew Research Center, â€Å"Just two years ago, 40% of adults said they had tried marijuana. In both 2003 and 2001, 38% said they had used marijuana. In the latest Pew Research Center survey, conducted in March, the number of those saying they had ever tried marijuana climbed to 48%, the highest number ever†. (Pew Research Center, 2013) Also consider New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s proposal to decriminalize possession of 15 grams or less during his State of the State address, â€Å"Roughly 50,000 arrests in New York City for marijuana possession, more than any other possession.† He continues to say, â€Å"These arrests stigmatize, they criminalize, they create a permanent record. It's not fair. It's not right. It must end. And it must end now. The problem is

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Greg Lynn, Binary Large Objects, and Blob Architecture

Greg Lynn, Binary Large Objects, and Blob Architecture Blob architecture is a type of wavy, curvy building design without traditional edges or traditional symmetric form. It is made possible by computer-aided-design (CAD) software. American-born architect and philosopher Greg Lynn (b. 1964) is credited with coining the phrase, although Lynn himself claims the name comes from a software feature that creates Binary Large Objects. The name has stuck, often disparagingly, in various forms, including blobism, blobismus, and blobitecture. Examples of Blob Architecture These buildings have been called early examples of blobitecture: Selfridges Department Store (pictured on this page) in Birmingham, United KingdomGuggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain (designed by Frank Gehry)Xanadu Houses in Kissimmee, FloridaThe Sage Gateshead in Newcastle, UK (designed by Norman Foster)Admirant Entrance Building in Eindhoven, Netherlands (designed by Massimiliano Fuksas)Galaxy SOHO in Beijing, China (designed by Zaha Hadid)The Experience Music Project (EMP) in Seattle, Washington (designed by Frank Gehry) CAD Design on Steroids Mechanical drawing and drafting changed radically with the advent of desktop computing. CAD software was one of the very first applications to be used in offices transitioning to personal computer workstations in the early 1980s. Wavefront Technologies developed the OBJ file (with the .obj file extension) to geometrically define three-dimensional models. Greg Lynn and Blob Modeling Ohio-born Greg Lynn came of age during the digital revolution. The term Blob modelling was a module in Wavefront software at the time, says Lynn, and it was an acronym for Binary Large Object - spheres that could be collected to form larger composite forms. At the level of geometry and mathematics, I was excited by the tool as it was great for making large-scale single surfaces out of many small components as well as adding detailed elements to larger areas. Other architects who were the first to experiment with and use blob modeling include the American Peter Eisenman, British architect Norman Foster, Italian architect Massimiliano Fuksas, Frank Gehry,   Zaha Hadid and Patrik Schumacher, and Jan Kaplickà ½ and Amanda Levete. Architectural movements, such as the 1960s Archigram led by architect Peter Cook or the convictions of the deconstructionists, are often associated with blob architecture. Movements, however, are about ideas and philosophy. Blob architecture is about a digital process - using mathematics and computer technologies to design. Mathematics and Architecture Ancient Greek and Roman designs were based on geometry and architecture. Roman architect Marcus Vitruvius observed relationships of human body parts - the nose to the face, the ears to the head - and documented the symmetry and proportion. Todays architecture is more calculus-based using digital tools. Calculus is the mathematical study of changes. Greg Lynn argues that since the Middle Ages architects have used calculus - the Gothic moment in architecture was the first time that force and motion was thought of in terms of form. In Gothic details such as ribbed vaulting you can see that the structural forces of the vaulting get articulated as lines, so youre really actually seeing the expression of structural force and form. Calculus is also a mathematics of curves. So, even a straight line, defined with calculus, is a curve. Its just a curve without inflection. So, a new vocabulary of form is now pervading all design fields: whether its automobiles, architecture, products, etc., its really being affected by this digital medium of curvature. The intricacies of scale that come out of that - you know, in the example of the nose to the face, theres a fractional part-to-whole idea. With calculus, the whole idea of subdivision is more complex, because the whole and the parts are one continuous series. -    Greg Lynn, 2005 Todays CAD has enabled the building of designs that were once theoretical and philosophical movements. Powerful BIM software now allows designers to visually manipulate parameters, knowing that Computer Aided Manufacturing software will keep track of the building components and how they are to be assembled. Perhaps because of the unfortunate acronym used by Greg Lynn, other architects such as  Patrik Schumacher have coined a new word for new software - parametricism. Books by and About Greg Lynn Folds, Bodies Blobs: Collected Essays by Greg Lynn, 1998Animate Form by Greg Lynn, 1999Composites, Surfaces, and Software: High Performance Architecture, Greg Lynn at the Yale School of Architecture, 2011Visual Catalog: Greg Lynns Studio at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, 2010IOA Studios. Zaha Hadid, Greg Lynn, Wolf D. Prix: Selected Student Works 2009, Architecture is PornographyOther Space Odysseys: Greg Lynn, Michael Maltzan and Alessandro Poli, 2010Greg Lynn FORM by Greg Lynn, Rizzoli, 2008 Sources Greg Lynn - Biography, European Graduate School website at [accessed March 29, 2013]Greg Lynn on calculus in architecture, TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design), February 2005, of The Sage by Paul Thompson/Photolibrary Collection/Getty Images

Sunday, November 3, 2019

America at War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

America at War - Essay Example Eisenhower said that "a vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment". The two factors - peace and military might - are naturally at odds with each other and as such it is strange to find that the terms are so often promoted in conjunction with one another. Indeed, America continues along this line of logic still today, albeit in a different way than the former President had imagined. Eisenhower truly believed that the best way to secure peace for his nation was to become impenetrable; he thought that building one of the strongest military forces in the world would dissuade any potential enemies from acting out in a violent manner and taking American lives. Certainly it can be said that no other nation has waged war on America in the years following the Farewell Address, however the crucial difference between Eisenhower's vision and current American military exploits is the use of force upon other nations like Afghanistan and Iraq. Modern America pursues enemies t hat it perceives as ideological and terrorist threats; in the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq the United States has sought to retaliate for calculated attacks on American soil. The very presence of terrorism in the modern United States can show both how Eisenhower was justified in his belief of military might for peace, and how despite this proven ideology enemies find ways to strike. America's military strength means that no other nation in the world would seek open combat; therefore opposing views and enemy forces will not be represented by other states but as smaller, dynamic organizations. The President also stressed his belief that America should not rely on the emergency weaponry that could be created by its own individual citizens at short notice; this was the military history of Eisenhower and he was concerned that in the future America should be able to count on its own federal arms reserve. The President had seen the world thrown into war as Nazi Germany and Japan tried to conquer foreign nations and eradicate entire groups of people they considered expendable. Stopping the German forces became one of the most difficult tasks the Allied forces would ever face, and as a result it is understandable that President Eisenhower worried about the future state of his country's military. Certainly in the face of international advancements in terms of arms, the United States could not afford to sit back and hope it would have no need for its military forces to be well-equipped. At the point of the Farewell Address, American federal funding had been vastly increased to its military and Eisenhower expressed his hope that this would continue to be increased as the country invested in scientific research that could change the face of the military completely. The President does not seem to have taken into consideration the fact that at the cue of the United States, other developed nations would decide to bulk up their own military forces in response. Specifically, take the Cold War into consideration and it is easy to see how this idea of an impenetrable nation is inextricable linked to the perception of a dangerous nation. In advancing further and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Wastewater management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wastewater management - Research Paper Example In an era where people in the communities are gaining more knowledge about issues of the environment and their impact on the globe, it is everyone’s responsibility to use, establish and put into practice inventive ways of managing wastes and resources (World Resources Institute, 1996). Wastewater refers to water that has been hugely affected in condition by the influence of anthropogenic. These constitute liquid waste produced by industry, domestic properties, agriculture and/or commercial properties and can take in an extensive variety of probable concentrations and contaminants. Moreover, municipal wastewater is frequently treated in an effluent sewer, sanitary sewer, septic tank or combined sewer. It is likely to establish an association between contaminants of waste in a wastewater watercourse, but such a correlation cannot be simplified for operation with any additional wastewater course or waste impurities. This is because the constitution of any wastewater course is dissimilar (World Resources Institute, 1996). Many of the country’s sewer and water infrastructures were devised and constructed in the early days. These systems were made with a short life period in mind. Currently, as a result of this, there is a shortage in communal facility spending. This imposes heavy costs of repair for the future generations. The present water and sewer infrastructure cannot sustain the growing human population or exist for a long time without the need for thorough rehabilitation. Aging infrastructure and increasing amounts of waste water are increasing the cost of obtaining clean water. In addition, the environment is increasingly being affected negatively by these factors (World Resources Institute, 1996). It is not healthy for wildlife, domesticated animals, and human beings to get into contact with ground or surface water that is contaminated with waste or drink it. Wastewater management is an essential function in upholding

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Qustions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Qustions - Essay Example Franchising can also generate high financial returns for relatively little risk since little money is put into each location. Franchise business model leads to lesser control over managers since the franchisees cannot be controlled as employees. Franchisees are independent businesses with different goals from the owner that may eventually lead into legal troubles. It is also not easy to get franchisees compared to hired store managers to work together and the franchisees obtain incentives to profit from each other’s efforts to generate business. There are also innovation challenges associated with franchising since when an individual comes up with an idea, there must be a negotiation with other franchisees to accept the innovation. Porter’s Five Forces technique is a very significant tool, which attempts to point out at some of the significant strength in every business situation. These forces help in identifying some of the competitive intensity as well as overall industry profitability. The Porter’s tool highlights competition from both external and internal sources. The strengths identified by the Porter’s tool may help a business to understand her strength in the competitive position as well as the strength of a place or step that the business wants to make. It is therefore clear that by identifying strength position, business can take fair advantage, eliminate wrong situations and eventually creating sustainable advantage. Supplier power is one of the important forces, which help business to determine ease of driving up prices by the suppliers. Business may counterbalance this force by standardizing specifications in parts for it to change among suppliers easily. Business may decide to add more vendors or even change technology to eliminate coming together of strong suppliers. By standardizing specifications, adding more vendors, and

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Things They Carried Essay Example for Free

The Things They Carried Essay In the short essay â€Å"The Things They Carried† the setting takes place during the Vietnam War. First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross and his troops are assigned different missions, one of which is to look for the enemies in tunnels. â€Å"After five minutes, Lieutenant Jimmy Cross moved to the tunnel, leaned down, and examined the darkness† (p. 597). Throughout the story the narrator gives a background on the war and describes the different things the troops have to carry with them, both physical and emotional baggage. The Vietnam War began in 1959. The United States declared a war against Vietnam to stop the spread of communism. Many young man were drafted most of them did not want to go to war. Once they were at war they did not want to leave the war; if they could not move, they stayed to fight the enemy. â€Å"It was what had brought them to the war in the first place, nothing positive, no dreams of glory or honor, just to avoid the blush of dishonor† (p. 598). Everyone in the war wanted to survive, so they had to carry everything they needed to stay alive. The story constantly lists the physical baggage the troops have to carry with them. â€Å"Among the necessities or near-necessities were P-38 can openers, pocket knives, heat tabs, wristwatches, dog tags, mosquito repellent, chewing gum, candy, cigarettes, salt tablets, packets of Kool-Aid, lighters, matches, sewing kits, Military Payment Certificates, C rations, and two or three canteens of water† (p. 596). Some troops took things with them that they did not really need and made their baggage heavier. Along with physical baggage, the troops carried emotional baggage. After Ted Lavender died, Lieutenant Cross felt like it was his fault and he should have cared about his troops more than Martha. â€Å"He had loved Martha more than his men, and as a consequence Lavender was now dead, and this was something he would have to carry like a stone in his stomach for the rest of the war† (p. 599). The story does not describe much of what other troops’ emotional baggage was, but just like every other soldier in combat they all had something that troubled them. The story ends with the Lieutenant Cross hating Martha and becoming stricter with his troops. He did not want to lose another soldier because of some girl, and he understood that the troops might not favor him as much, but it was for their well-being. â€Å"Among men there would be grumbling, of course, and maybe worse; because their days would seem longer and their loads heavier, but Lieutenant Jimmy Cross reminded himself that his obligation was not to be loved but to lead† (p. 606).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Effects of Gender on Education Essay -- Gender Education Sexuality Med

Effects of Gender on Education This topic is also well discussed in many of the standard textbooks, but a bit unevenly and a bit oddly. Thus Haralambos and Holborn (1990), or Barnard and Burgess (1996) have good sections specifically on gender and educational achievement. However, rather strangely, the section on education is treated almost entirely as a sort of empirical matter and not linked very well to the other admirable sections on gender generally, or gender in the family or work sections. This is especially odd in the Bilton et al (1996) classic, written by a team that includes a prominent feminist (M Stanworth) and which has good sections on genderas an organising pespective in the theory and methodology chapters. So, one suggestion is to take the material specifically on gender in education, but to read up the topics more widely and generally in the other relevant chapters as well. As before, I'll try to show how this might be done via my own glosses and interests: Early work focused on female underachievement in the formal education system, which was (finally) considered to be as much of a 'dysfunctional' outcome as underachievement by working class kids ( see file on connections between educational policy and functionalist models of stratification). If the educational reforms of the period in Britain after World War 2 were designed to make sure the most talented kids got to the highest levels of achievement, we would expect as many girls as boys to hit those levels -- selective schools, sixth-form, examination success, university entrance or whatever. This was clearly not the case in the 1950s and 1960s. These gender differences began to be explained initially using the same sort of factors that had been used to explain working-class underachievement. 1. Early theories suggested that females were not as able or as intelligent as males, and there is still a lot of stuff around on relative brain sizes or supposedly innate cognitive limits. There are obvious objections to this view too, of course -- such as that the tests of intelligence are likely to be value-laden. Equally, there is a methodological problem, one which runs through all the work on gender that involves biological explanations - biological accounts are reductionist in that they try to reduce a number of complex social differences to one simple set of biological differ... ... Hutchinson Hammersley M (ed) (1986) Case Studies in Classroom Research, Milton Keynes: Open University Press Hammersley M and Woods P (eds) (1984) Life in School, Milton Keynes: Open University Press Haralambos M and Martin M (1990) Sociology: themes and perspectives, London: Collins Education Harris D (1987) Openness and Closure in Distance Education, Basingstoke: Falmer Press Kaplan A (1987) Rocking Around the Clock, London: Methuen Kinder M (1991) Playing with Power in Movies, TV and Video Games, Los Angeles: University of California Press McRobbie A and Nava A (eds) (1984) Gender and Generation, London: Macmillan Mulvey L (1982) 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema' in Bennett T et al (eds) Popular Television and Film, London: BFI in association with the Open University Press Sharpe S (1976) Just Like a Girl, Harmondsworth: Penguin Waites B et al (1981) Popular Culture: past and present, London: Croom Helm Whyld J (ed) (1983) Sexism in the Secondary Curriculum, London: Harper and Row Willis P (1977) Learning to Labour, Farnborough: Saxon House Woods P and Hammersley M (eds) Gender and Ethnicity in Schools : ethnographic accounts, London: Routledge

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Team and Small Group Experience

There have a few experiences that I have had, where I have been a member of both a team and a group. There are many similarities as well as differences among a team and a group. One of the biggest and most common similarity is that both of them want to be able to reach a particular goal. The team that I am currently a member of is a women’s basketball team. I am also part of a small group. I met a few local girls through Facebook that have been wanting to loose weight just like me. My team was started up by some friends that wanted to form a league to play for the city. They put some ads on Craigslist and Facebook to see if anyone wanted to try out for the team. After doing the try outs and deciding who was actually going to be on the team, we got together twice per week for a period of one month for practice basketball games. Currently, we are in the â€Å"tournament period† and we play every Tuesday at 7:00 pm with other teams that are also playing with the city. We have three games left before we know how we placed and if we go to finals. After every game we get together for a few minutes and discuss how we did and what we can do to do things better and to strategize. Communication among the team has really made us improved the way that we play and make us better in every game. The group I belong is made up of six girls including myself. We all chat online and make plans, we state our goals and what we want to achieve with them. Each week one of us will make an exercising plan for the entire week and then at the end of the week we meet up somewhere to talk about how we did with our exercise plan. It is not all about work, we also get together to have some fun, like go to the movies, eat dinner or take out our kids to the park. Most of us have lost at least 10 lbs since we started our little group. We just support each other when we are lacking motivation. There are some differences that I noticed between the team and the group. For example, we had to try out for the basketball team. Then we were chosen and assigned to a position by the organizers of the team. We have all been working together to make our team better and become a good and strong team. The group that I am currently was actually made up by a group of friends that just wanted to have a support system to lose weight. We have made sure to always have something going on to help us stay fit or keep helping us lose weight. The team used practice basketball games twice a week and a little get together that we had at the beginning of the season to motivate us and help us to get to know each other. This helped us feel more relaxed at the actual games and to know how each team player was used to playing in the court. The coach and the assistant coach wanted to do these two things to ensure that there was a healthy relationship among the players because in the past not knowing each other had cause much tension in the games, causing many looses. Getting the basketball team together virtually would have not been a good idea. Practices needed to get done and there was no possible way that it could have been done over a computer, The best method of communication for the basketball team was in person, by phone or by text messaging. This methods were used to communicate with each and to be updated on times and location for basketball practices or actual games. My group of fitness pals, is able to interact virtually. We were able to chat via skype, email and use sites such as Facebook to stay in touch with each other. We were also able to interact with each other virtually to make actual plans to meet with each other on a weekly basis in person. Whenever the teams or groups meet exclusive using virtual communications, there is no physical contact, for that reason, the relationship would be more impersonal rather than personal. This is not the case with either the team that I am involved with or the group that I am involved in, since in both cases we do see each other face to face. The team and the group work well the way that they have been communicating and meeting, exclusive virtual communication would not be an option for either of them. Each player on the times played on assigned position, depending on the tryouts and what the coaches thought they would be best at. In the group, every week, a different person would take leadership and make a fitness plan for all of us, she would also plan a day during the week where we could all meet, talk or just hang out in person. It worked out better that way because that way we would not run in to reoccurring exercises or activities. Everyone in the basketball team did the same thing. We all showed up for our practice games and we would also show up 30 minutes before an actual game, just to make sure that we had a complete team. We got sponsored by my husband’s place of employment, so with the sponsorship they also gave us red uniforms for all the girls. Every week our coach assigned one of the team members to bring bottled water for all of the team players. Most of the time all of the players play fairly but in some instances things would get out of hand and the team member would either get benched or even suspended for a game. For the fitness group, there were not many rules. The only thing is that everyone had to participate in some way. Everyone had to take initiative at least once every two months two make plans and set goals on how to lose weight. That same person also had to plan something fun for us to do so that we could meet in person. Status and differences for the team was each individual team player, they had different positions and they each were in charge of covering it on the games. The coach and the assistant coach decided who would start in each position after they held the tryouts and saw us play. In rare occasions the players were change from positions, but mostly we always held our own position. In our fitness group, every week we had someone doing all the planning for our fitness goals and weight loss progress. A certain person would plan and then all of us would follow the plan and at the end of the week meet somewhere and discuss our progress. So basically the only thing that would change is that every week we had a different leader and different fitness plans and weight loss goals. According to the Maslow theory, the team’s belongingness depended on the power of the team players in that position that they were given by the coach and assistant coach to play in. Good self esteem was built because the team players feel that they are doing a good job with their position and in their own way feel that they are helping the team win the games. Safety in the basketball team was very important. All of team players needed to feel protected by one another when playing the game. The small group worked very close and well together. According to Maslow’s belongingness theory, the group worked well because they worked together to achieve a goal that they all had. Esteem was built by the group because we would talk to a daily basis and get together with each other once a week making us have some sort of bond. Each member of the group felt safe with each other because we were all working for the same urpose and we didn’t feel the need to hide anything from each other. In conclusion, I think that the main purpose of working with a team and having specific roles in it is to accomplish a goal. In this case the one goal that the basketball has is to win as many games possible. Working with a does not have many differences from a team, but in my group in particular we all have the same goal, which is too lose weight and get fit. A small difference is that on the group we are all working for ourselves instead of for a victory that belongs to everyone else.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Tenor in Email Communication

Today we will be discussing â€Å"tenor† in workplace emails. We will: 1) explain what tenor and how it is reflected in workplace emails, 2) why using proper tenor in the workplace is important, and 3) provide tips as to how you can successfully determine tenor for use in your own workplace emails. (First Slide) What is tenor? Tenor is the tone of a form of communication that reflects the relationship between the speaker and their audience. In regards to email, it is the relationship between the writer and their recipient. Every person uses different forms of tenor on a daily basis, whether they are in the work place, at home or even with friends. Tenor is present in an email and can be reflected in a number of ways. It is most evident in the formality of the speech used and the words chosen in the communication of ideas. However, the tenor of an email can also be affected by the subject matter of an email. More serious or pressing issues often call for a more formal use of tenor. (Second Slide) Why is tenor important? Also read: The Other Side of E-mail Tenor is an important element of workplace communication for a number of reasons. Firstly, the tenor used in an email demonstrates one’s level of respect for who they are speaking to. In the workplace, it reflects the level of respect one shows for their superior, co-workers or even direct reports. This is evident in the politeness and mannerisms displayed in the email. Calling your friend â€Å"dude† may be normal in their company, but calling your boss the same may be taken as offensive or undermining. Secondly, tenor can display your dedication or seriousness about issue. While some subjects may discussed light-heartedly, such as an office event, while other require more a serious tone, such as discussing grievances or personal absences. Mistaking tenor in the workplace can have a number of negative effects. It could possibly damage your work relationships and create tension in the workplace, reduce the effectiveness of workplace communication and processes, as well as reduce your chances for advancement in a company. Always remember to consider if your words could be misinterpreted before you click send! (Third Slide) So how do you determine the proper tenor to use in your email? There are 3 simple questions that you can use to evaluate your relation to the recipient and effectively gauge the proper tenor in an email. These questions are as follows: Ask yourself – What is the recipient’s position in the company? Are they a superior? A co-worker? A direct report? While these employees all share different roles, they can all be treated with different tenors. While your boss requires a highly formal level of tenor in your communication, a co-worker may not. – What is the subject matter of the email? As we have already mentioned, the subject matter of the email you are writing may also have an effect on the tenor you should be using. For instance, consider the co-worker mentioned above. On a day-to-day basis, a co-worker may not require a highly formal tenor in communication. However, while discussing this co-worker’s grievances, bereavement leave or other personal matters, a more formal tenor may be required to spare their feelings and show your respect for their situation. – Another good question to ask yourself is: Who will have access to the email? Although you may think the email you just sent is only seen by the recipient, this may not always be true. The last thing you want to happen is for your boss to see an email that you wrote and think that you may have disrespected another employee by using informal tenor. To end this conference, we would like to suggest some tips for determining and executing proper tenor in workplace emails. 1. Always use more formal language in your initial message. Once your recipient replies, it will be easier to determine what tenor is appropriate. It is better to err towards the casual side after an exchange of emails. 2. When in doubt, mirror it out! Mirroring is a valuable tool in determining workplace tenor. When mirroring, one simply replies to an email with the same tone as the sender. In other words, send email you would like to receive and you will do no wrong. 3. Always think before you send! You may think you are communicating one message, but your recipient may read another. Always be sure to re-read you emails and consider if your words could be misinterpreted.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on The Minister’s Black Veil

The Minister’s Black Veil In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil†, the author chooses to mask the character of the minister with the black veil to construct an allegory that would compare sin concocted by imagination with unrecognized sin of one’s self. The story â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil† is symbolic of the hidden sins that we hide and separate ourselves from the ones we love most. In wearing the veil, Hooper presents the isolation that everybody experiences when chained down by own sins. He has realized that everybody symbolically can be found in the shadow of his or her own veil. By Hooper, wearing this shroud across his face is only showing the dark side of people and the truth of human existence and nature. With the story being set in the Puritan period of the settlement of New England, as nearly all of Hawthorne’s stories are, the reader can logically infer a certain set of value judgments. For instance, these people, being very sincere about their religion, are likely to see anything out of the ordinary, such as a black-veiled minister, as a serious issue that undermines their faith. On the surface, the first sight of the veil not only confuses the congregation, but scares them as well. This man is supposed to be their most direct mode of communication with God, and to see him in what they perceive to be quite a bizarre condition must make them feel that their religious lives may be in danger. Yet another character trait held by this community is its inability to cope with even the slightest bit of change. Something as trivial as a man covering his face with black crape paper literally whips this community into a frenzy. â€Å"I don’t like it† (p.102), cried the old woman, â€Å"Our parson has gone mad† (p.102), cried Goodman Gary. Without even the slightest bit of investigation into the issue these people have brewed in their imaginations all sorts of theories as to what is so ... Free Essays on The Minister’s Black Veil Free Essays on The Minister’s Black Veil The Minister’s Black Veil In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil†, the author chooses to mask the character of the minister with the black veil to construct an allegory that would compare sin concocted by imagination with unrecognized sin of one’s self. The story â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil† is symbolic of the hidden sins that we hide and separate ourselves from the ones we love most. In wearing the veil, Hooper presents the isolation that everybody experiences when chained down by own sins. He has realized that everybody symbolically can be found in the shadow of his or her own veil. By Hooper, wearing this shroud across his face is only showing the dark side of people and the truth of human existence and nature. With the story being set in the Puritan period of the settlement of New England, as nearly all of Hawthorne’s stories are, the reader can logically infer a certain set of value judgments. For instance, these people, being very sincere about their religion, are likely to see anything out of the ordinary, such as a black-veiled minister, as a serious issue that undermines their faith. On the surface, the first sight of the veil not only confuses the congregation, but scares them as well. This man is supposed to be their most direct mode of communication with God, and to see him in what they perceive to be quite a bizarre condition must make them feel that their religious lives may be in danger. Yet another character trait held by this community is its inability to cope with even the slightest bit of change. Something as trivial as a man covering his face with black crape paper literally whips this community into a frenzy. â€Å"I don’t like it† (p.102), cried the old woman, â€Å"Our parson has gone mad† (p.102), cried Goodman Gary. Without even the slightest bit of investigation into the issue these people have brewed in their imaginations all sorts of theories as to what is so ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Brownfields Essays

Brownfields Essays Brownfields Essay Brownfields Essay Brownfields are abandoned, idled or under-used and industrial commercial facilities where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by environmental contamination. These areas are scattered all through out the nation and are more numerous in areas that are industrial centers. The redevelopment of brownfields are supported by all agencies of the government, the Department of Transportation made a policy that would enable the availability of funds for the redevelopment of brownfields, the DOT believed that brownfield redevelopment with transportation programs can bring new jobs, services and amenities to a neighborhood, reduce vehicle miles of travel, reduce time spent in congestion and increase the viability of transit, walking and biking. Brownfields and transportation are connected in ways that create opportunities to accomplish transportation, economic, community and environmental goals. Transportation facilities play a major role in commerce and industry, in the past industrial plants were always located near transportation facilities. However, transportation and economic changes have shifted number industrial operations away from centers of transportation. As the case maybe, transportation is key to brownfield redevelopment, as it gives access to people and goods, this would include fixing existing highways, waterways and public transportation and the other transportation related use of the land like intermodal terminals and bus barns. The local government together with the community are interested in the redevelopment of brownfields as an existing brownfield would lower property values, stifles local investment and be an environmental threat, in the same way the local government see redevelopment as bringing in jobs, increase in taxes and make use of taxpayer’s investment in infrastructure. Thus, the federal, state and local government coordinates to achieve these goals through the Transportation Improvement Program. To the communities, re-using brownfields through transportation investments would later on bring transportation benefits. The redevelopment of brownfields would also improve the environment by lessening or eradicating contamination in these sites. As well as reviving measures to control the quality of water and air and the conservation of open spaces. The protection of open spaces reduces conversion of land to impervious surfaces which is very critical in the maintenance of watershed health. The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) has a projected budget of $198 billion for transportation spending for 1998 to 2003. The act supports brownfield redevelopment through a number of funding programs. For new highways, roads or bridge construction on brownfields, there’s the National Highway System, Surface Transportation Program, Bridges, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program and the Transportation Enhancements. For the construction of new transit lines or station, there’s the Transit Capital Investment Grants and Loans, the Urbanized and Non-urbanized Area Formula Grant Program. The improvement of railroads in brownfields can be funded through the Rail Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing Program. In improving pedestrian and/or bicycle access can be channeled through the National Highway System and the Transportation Enhancements. For recreational trails a funding from Recreational Trails is available and innovative sust ainability projects can be pursued through grants from the Transportation and Community and System Preservation Pilot Program. In order to receive TEA-21 funds to redevelop a brownfield site, a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) state must have a transportation clause in the project and should be included in the Long-Range Transportation Plan and its Transportation Improvement Program. In general almost all funds allocated under the TEA-21 are disbursed through the standard planning and TIP process. The MPO has the obligation to coordinate with air quality planning and encourage public involvement as required by federal law. The Long-Range Transportation plans are created to project a 20 year transportation development program. The project however needs to satisfy the following criteria to be included in the LRT, the project must help advance state or regional transportation objectives, it should be able to provide information about the financial resources of the project and the impact on air quality of the project should not violate National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Evaluating a brownfield redev elopment project proposal requires reviewing financial, environmental, social and legal considerations of the project. Another means of acquiring federal funding is for the organization or state to apply directly to the DOT for grants and loans provided under the TEA-21, wherein Transportation and Community and System Preservation Pilot grants and the Rail Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing loans are the most relevant to brownfield projects. The TCSP grants were given to innovative transportation projects which must meet the goals of TCSP which includes reducing the impacts of transportation on the environment, reducing the need for costly future public infrastructure investments, to ensure efficient access to jobs, services and centers of trade and lastly examining private sector development patterns and investments that support TCSP goals. In the TCSP program, public entities are eligible to get finds form the federal government without a state or regional MPO intermediary. Municipal governments, MPO’s, states agencies, school boards, air and park districts and public transit agencies are eligible to apply for the TCSP loan. The Rail Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing Program give out loans and loan guarantees for acquiring, improving, developing or rehabilitating intermodal or rail equipment facilities, this is available to local governments, and government sponsored authorities, corporations, railroads and joint ventures with at least one railroad. In conclusion it was reported that transportations funds can be used to clean up environmental contamination on brownfields if it is a part of the transportation project. It can also be sued to stimulate private sector revitalization of brownfields, as well as provide an opportunity for the collaboration of stakeholders and meeting public goals. Funding is available for such projects but the application process takes a lengthy route and that limited funding is available directly form federal government. There have been a number of projects that involved redeveloping brownfields which ranged from the construction of roads, a new bridge, a parkway and an intermodal terminal. In Portland, Oregon a new road was built to improve access to deepwater port and cleaned up a 2,800-acre Rivergate Industrial District, it also increased the value of land in the industrial area and initiated the expansion of manufacturing and shipping operations. Portland encapsulated the contaminated soils at a former pesticide-formulating plant with new road surface. In Lawrence, Massachusetts a new bridge was constructed to improve transportation access and infrastructure, it supported economic development, it improved pedestrian traffic as well as remediation of environmental contamination.   The project not only will clean a downtown brownfield but also create a new park and pedestrian walkway. A parkway in Buffalo, New York linked the industrial areas of Buffalo and the regional road network which then im proved transportation and develop under-used areas which are also brownfields. The construction of the parkway also satisfied American Axle’s needs for access and re-engineering obsolete infrastructure. Since the project was privately funded it had significant support form federal and state governments. An intermodal terminal in Salt Lake City, Utah was funded by congress with a $40 million budget as part of the brownfield redevelopment. When the Interstate 15 was redesigned it opened an opportunity to develop an old rail yard to an intermodal hub. The city will also be participating in the Utah Voluntary Cleanup Program to serves as a protection form environmental contamination. These examples reiterate that developing brownfields are beneficial to the community although it entails a complex weaving of government and community efforts as well as the liability to ascertain that contamination can be eradicated or managed.